Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Matt Damon: Hollywood's Best Investment

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Matt Damon: Hollywood's Best Investment

According to Forbes, 37 year old Matt Damon is now Hollywoods best investment solely based on Damons films financial return to the studios. This was based on a list of Hollywoods top 222 heavyweights.

Damons films have the Highest Gross Income Return.

See it here: Matt Damon Best Investment in Hollywood

The following actors Gross Income Return per film was also listed by Forbes.
Vince Vaughn, Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston, is the most profitable actress, Angelina Jolie, ranked sixth. Others listed were: Russell Crowe, at the bottom of the list, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey.