Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Charlie Sheen called Denise the N Word.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Charlie Sheen called Denise the N Word.

Its important that the 'stage' is set here. After going through a bitter divorce, and then shortly after he re-married, a 3 YEAR OLD VOICEMAIL of Charlie Sheen becomes public. After having sent angry emails and voice messages back and forth during the divorce, Denise Richards and her ex-hubby Charlie Sheen decided to add some more fuel to that fire(fighting over their kids,etc). Charlie was angry enough, as we all get, and called Denise the "C" word, then he called her or referred to her, with the "N" word. Now with the 3 YEAR OLD VOICEMAIL becoming public within the last day or two, Charlie has since apologized for using both words. And we hope thats the end of it. Or...is it? Stay tuned. Why the hell Denise is staring at us?

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