Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: That 19 Year Old Girl Is A "Nymphette"

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That 19 Year Old Girl Is A "Nymphette"

"...no I'm not...."

Due to the depiction of the mythological nymphs as females who mate with men or women at their own volition and are completely outside male control, the term is often used for women who are perceived as behaving similarly.

The term "Nymphomania" was created by modern psychology as referring to a "desire to engage in human sexual behavior at a level high enough to be considered clinically significant", "Nymphomaniac" being the person suffering from such a disorder.

Due to widespread use of the term among lay persons (often shortened to "nympho") and stereotypes attached, professionals nowadays prefer the term "Hypersexuality" which can refer to males and females alike.

The word "nymphette" is used to identify a sexually precocious girl.

Source: wikipedia

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