Here is this months Health Tip!
Now days its best to keep and eye on your health. And if your a women its even more important. With more and more women discovering that they stand a higher risk of cervical cancer(HPV), keeping the vagina area clean becomes all that more important.
SO the question is, are you keeing it clean 'DOWN THERE'?
Some of you dont pay as much attention to 'down there', as one should. Hit that shower daily. Its worth it. And do a very 'lite' douche. Strong douches may kill off the good bacteria, while killing off the bad, so keep it lite!
Heres the best of the best of keeping yourself clean and avoiding STDS, etc.
1. Damn it! USE CONDOMS. Their your first defense. When it comes to sex you need all the protection you can get. Not only do condoms protect against unwanted pregnancies, HIV infections, and STDS, they can also help to keep your vagina cleaner.
2. Watch what type underwear your wearing. Prefer cotton. It breathes! You need air down there. Not more germs circulating. Cotton also helps you to avoid skin irritations in that area.
3. This may sound alittle strange but its been said time and time again, WATCH your sugar intake!. Sugar causes bad bacteria to 'mutate' in the vagina. So use as little as possible. And increase your 'sugar free' yogurt intake. Yogurt, and once again make it sugar free, contains good bacteria that may help also keep you clean.
4. How could you FORGET? Get that damn tampon out of there before it molds! Theres a thing called , TSS, or Toxic Shock Syndrome, and you dont even want to know. It might even kill you if that tampon or pad bacteria builds. Its best to use lighter, smaller tampons/or pads, and change them alot more often. This will also help you to avoid any rashes.
5. Alot of women just to smell good down there and may use sprays, etc. But you need to watch out using strong soaps and most sprays. They can leave 'residue' that can build up into very bad bacteria(s). And watch what 'oil' and soaps you put in that bubble bath!
6. You absolutely MUST get to the gynaecologist at least twice a year. Get there before there IS a problem. The good doctor may uncover things in tests that your unaware of and thats very important. It could even be life saving. So if you feel you may have come down with 'something', see a doctor right away. But you still need to get checked a few a year.
The best of health to you!

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