With the recent death of 20 year old Russian Model Ruslana Korshunova, who plunged to her death from an apartment building in New York City a fews days shy of her 21st birthday, new questions are now being asked. What is really happening to some of these young girl models?
Stories of drugs, self starvation, rape, deep depression, and suicide are all to common in the fashion industry. But her death now brings new focus to what some say, is a long overdue call for action in getting more control of what goes on in that business.
These tragedies are all to common. And most may go unnoticed. But the death of Ruslana may bring new anwsers to those questions, and more. We certainly hope so.

S Magazine /Ajar Volume 7
In 2004 four boys and a gal from Copenhagen, all from the fashion world, had an epiphany. It was the dead of winter, the nights were too long and the vodka was flowing. As creatives they had yet to work with a magazine that gave them the freedom they desired. S Magazine gives the freedom to the artist and lets them know where they could go if there were no restrictions.
Paperback/Perfect Bound: 352 pages, glossy paper.
Publisher: S Magazine.
Language: English.
Product Dimensions: 11.5 x 9 inches.