Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: What the HELL!? Get some clothes on there young fella!

Monday, August 18, 2008

What the HELL!? Get some clothes on there young fella!

Well late last week the film "Stop-Loss' was released on DVD, produced by MTV Films. Its a film about the iraq war.

We hear that the film stars Ryan Phillippe, and Channing Tatum as young war vets'. These guys run around in the film 'ready for action'. Ok!

Channing Tatum is a great actor, and we see nothing but big films ahead for him. As a matter of fact, he will soon be seen on the big screen with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in Michael Mann's gangster film "Public Enemies".

"Stop-Loss", now go rent that DVD !

By the way, another of our favorites Ryan Phillippe also appears in the film...without his shirt. ..and ready to kick some ass.

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