Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Can You Really Become: "Ex Gay"?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Can You Really Become: "Ex Gay"?

What does' that mean "Ex Gay"?

Ex-gay is a term sometimes used to refer to persons who once identified as gay or
lesbian,but have since turned away from such identificaton for either personal or
religious or other reasons.

Some ex-gays enter into opposite-sex relationships, while others remain celibate. While ex-gays may report a reduction in same-sex desires, they may also continue to experience same-sex attraction even though they do not identify as "gay".

When the term "ex-gay" was introduced to professional literature in 1980, Dr. E. Mansell Pattison defined it as someone who had "experienced a basic change in
sexual orientation from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality."

The term has fallen into obscurity since the late 1990s and is rarely used by organizations today. Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, resents the term and has publicly denounced its usage.Other than Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, no major organization has labeled itself as an ex-gay organization.

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