Another explosive comment in the comedy/real? politics department.
According to info at the website News Busters Sandra Bernard is appearing in a play at the Washington D.C. Jewish Community Center "Theater J".
The following quote in a great article by Tim Graham, has the following statements about Sandra's play and a few of her comments:
"....In fact, the play wears its politically VERY correct heart on its sleeve with its indictment of America as "A Man’s World, It’s a White Man’s World, It’s a F–ked Up White Man’s Racist World" and can only be suggested to be racist in its content if one is hell-bent on protecting White Folk for Sandra’s blistering indictment.When Sandra warns Sarah Palin not to come into Manhattan lest she get gang-raped by some of Sandra’s big black brothers, she’s being provocative, combative, humorous, and yes, let’s allow, disgusting....."
Read moreSandra Bernhard: Palin Would Be Gang-Raped By Blacks in Manhattan
Source: News Busters