Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: This Is One Beautiful Women-

Monday, September 8, 2008

This Is One Beautiful Women-

In 2007, Keeley Hazell was voted one of FHM's Sexist Women In The World.

She was second to Jessica Alba. We like her. Alot.

Keeley Hazell
Date of Birth: 18/09/86
Born: Lewisham Hospital, South-East London, England

Once a young, rebellious teenager, Keeley hated school and would constantly stay out to the earliest hours, to consciously avoid school the next day. Her truancy got so bad her Mom was contacted by the police who threatened to press charges unless Keeley attended school regularly.

Recognizing the errors of her ways, Keeley decided to knuckle down, and achieved five passes in her GCSE's, two of which included Maths and English.

Read more about Keeley Hazell

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