Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: STUPIDO! - BRINGING 'SWINE FLU' INTO THE US: Mexicans crossing border into the U.S. take swine flu lightly..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

STUPIDO! - BRINGING 'SWINE FLU' INTO THE US: Mexicans crossing border into the U.S. take swine flu lightly..

Many Mexicans crossing into the United States on Monday at one of the busiest crossings on the border shunned advice to wear surgical face mask to curb the spread of a deadly new flu.

RETARDED: "I don't think anything will happen to me, it's old people and children we need to look after," said Gloria, a 35-year-old woman waiting to cross by car into California. Yet many of the 149 people who have died of the new virus in Mexico have actually been aged between 25 and 45....


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