Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Increase In Cocaine and Opiate-Related Fatal Overdose

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Increase In Cocaine and Opiate-Related Fatal Overdose

"Drug Overdose"(OD)

The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. An overdose is widely considered harmful and dangerous as it can result in death.

With the increase in fatal drug overdose, these are a few article's that we uncovered that will help you learn about the risk's from taking drug's.

It's also important to note that while crime and drug's have increased in the U.S., there are more and more effort's in place to combat these issue's. But more anti-drug program's are needed.

Drug Reactions:

This can occur with LSD, magic mushrooms, speed, and ecstasy.

Calm them and be reassuring;
Explain that the feelings will pass;
Steer them clear of crowds, noisy music and bright lights;
If they're hyperventilating (over-breathing) encourage them to relax, and take long, slow, deep breaths.

This is a risk with tranquillisers, heroin, alcohol and solvents.

Dial 999 and call an ambulance immediately;
Keep them awake, but do not shake them hard or startle them, especially if they have been using glue or other solvents;
Place them in the recovery position (see later in this article) and talk to them;
Never give coffee to rouse them. This can make the drug in them work even faster.

Note: NEVER drink and take any drug, and NEVER mix prescription drug's.

Cocaine- and opiate-related fatal overdose in New York City

Drug Overdose


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