Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: 7,337 Drug war related deaths. Mexican Police now run across border into U.S. to claim "Asylum". WARNING - DISTURBING PHOTOS

Sunday, April 12, 2009

7,337 Drug war related deaths. Mexican Police now run across border into U.S. to claim "Asylum". WARNING - DISTURBING PHOTOS

WARNING: CONTAINS DISTURBING PHOTOGRAPHS: drug wars in Mexico spread across the U.S.

He had narrowly survived a previous "hit", injured by three bullets from an would-be assassin's gun, and did not want to try his luck again. When he fled across Rio Grande into Texas, however, he sought more than just a hiding place - he also filed a request for asylum with the US authorities.

That made him part of an unprecedented new trend: Mexican police officers claiming safe haven across the border in America,..

Source: www.lucianne.com

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