Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: COMING SOON. NUDE TEEN PICS: Vermont Lawmakers Look To Legalize Teen 'Sexting'...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

COMING SOON. NUDE TEEN PICS: Vermont Lawmakers Look To Legalize Teen 'Sexting'...

Vermount: Under Current Law, Teens Who Text Message Explicit Photos Could Be Prosecuted As Sex Offenders.

Lawmakers there are considering a bill that would make it LEGAL for teenagers 18 and UNDER to exchange explicit photos and videos of themselves – an act that's come to be known by teens as "sexting."

Actress Vanessa Hudgens is still trying to live down the scandal of her nude pictures ending up on-line, when they were meant for her boyfriend.

Under the current law, teenagers could be prosecuted as sex offenders if they get caught sending graphic sexual images of themselves, even if it was consensual...

Source: www.wcbstv.com

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