Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Spitzer call girl already gone 'Wild'.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spitzer call girl already gone 'Wild'.

Is he like 'busted' or what? But what about "her".

Well as we now have learned, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, now associated with Eliot Spitzer as his very own 'call girl', had been seen before! This time she was found to have spent some 'nude' time in an episode of "Girls Gone Wild", as an 17 year old! (She is now reported to be 22)

Joe Francis was reported to have offered her $1,000,000 to do non nude spread. But that offer went out the window and fast, when it was discovered that she had been in one of his "Girls Gone Wild" videos. Tough luck.

All right here: The Call Girl That Went Wild