Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Now lets be fair here: Are female celebs "bashed"more than their male counterparts?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Now lets be fair here: Are female celebs "bashed"more than their male counterparts?

Now this is starting to get really serious. Just think about. Do Britney, Winehouse, Paris, Cyrus, Lindsey, Angelina, etc get 'slammed and beat down' more by the press corps, than say their male counterparts? Now thats a real interesting topic, but a brutal one to be sure. Here at Celebrity Status Quo, we believe that to be true in fact. Well a symposium is scheduled for next week that will address that issue.

And conference co-organiser Professor Diane Negra was quoted as saying: "Saturation coverage of these 'women in crisis' stories may be testing the limits of the public appetite.

Hmmmmm. Interesting. That symposium is to be held and hosted by the University of East Anglia, and its entitled: "Going Cheap? Female celebrity in the tabloid, reality and scandal genres", also included in that symposium: "Conference analyses: 'train-wreck' female celebrities". Now this is a very serious subject matter that needed to be looked into along time ago. So stay turned. Poor girls -

You can read more right about it right here.

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