Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Politics: The Sex Party

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Politics: The Sex Party

The Sex Party is a political party based in British Columbia, Canada, that contests provincial elections to promote libertarian and sex-positive attitudes towards sexual education, indecency laws and prostitution. It describes itself as "the world's first registered political party dedicated exclusively to sex-positive issues."

The Sex Party was founded in 2005. Its leader is John Ince, a lawyer, longtime sexual politics activist, and co-owner of "The Art of Loving", a store that sells sex-related products.

During the 2005 provincial election campaign, the party staged a fundraising event that included sexually explicit performance art produced by artist Marcus Bowcott. The BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch refused to allow the event in any premises licensed to sell liquor, citing regulations regarding exotic dancers and prohibiting "live, realistic or simulated sex acts," as well as performers touching each other or touching the audience.

The Party responded with a lawsuit alleging a violation of its constitutional rights, arguing that the art exhibits were adult-oriented presentations and were legal as long as they were announced as such. The art was chosen to express political themes and should therefore be seen as political discourse.

Read more The Sex Party

Source: wikipedia

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