Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Ultimate Sex Position For Her

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ultimate Sex Position For Her

Coital alignment technique:

The coital alignment technique sex position is a variant of the missionary position designed to maximize clitoral stimulation during coitus. This is achieved by combining the "riding high" variation of the missionary position with pressure-counterpressure movements performed by each partner in rhythm with coitus.

The penetrating partner lies above the receiving partner as in the missionary position, but moves upward along her body, so that the base of his penis provides stimulation to her clitoris. The receiving partner may also wrap her legs around his.

Sexual movement is focused in the pelvises, without leverage from the arms or legs. The Rocking upward stroke (receiving partner leads) and downward stroke (penetrating partner leads) of sexual movement builds an electric-like charge that partners let develop and peak naturally.

Coital alignment technique: Go ahead - give it try.

Source: wikipedia

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