Quantcast Celebrity Status Quo: Billionaires Wife Wants a Divorce: she's ‘fed up of seeing him with young girls’

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Billionaires Wife Wants a Divorce: she's ‘fed up of seeing him with young girls’

(This women refers to the wife's Billionaire husband as 'daddy'. People say this 21 year old, amoung a group of other young women, has been sleeping with the 72 year old Billionaire)

Silvio Berlusconi is facing one of the most costly divorces in history after his second wife tired of seeing him surrounded by young girls.

Veronica Lario, 52, announced her decision to part from the permatanned Italian Prime Minister after consulting a lawyer over the weekend. It is only days since she publicly dismissed his idea for young and attractive female MEPs as 'shameless trash'.


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